Do you know the difference between a Psychic and a Medium? What’s the big deal anyway?

It’s not a special skill reserved for a select few. Everyone has psychic abilities.  You think of someone and they call you. Or you “sense” someone is not feeling well, even though they haven’t said anything to you directly. These are basic psychic skills. Those working as “Psychics” have just practiced and honed these innate abilities, strengthening their natural connections.


Not all Psychics however are Mediums! All Mediums are Psychic though! So what’s the difference? Psychics connect to your energy, the energy in the environment, or their Spirit Guides. Mediums also do that and more. They connect to passed over loved ones and receive messages on your behalf. And that’s the difference. If you want to connect to a lost loved one, you need to consult a Medium.

When working with a Medium, there are a few things to keep in mind!

1. Who are they really connected to? How do you know they are speaking to great Aunt Agnes? A good Medium will always give you “evidence” specific to you and your passed loved one that only you can verify is true. Only then should they deliver any messages.

2. Evidence should include information relating to the person in Spirit’s life as they lived it AND information relating specifically to YOU and circumstances surrounding you! Only when YOU are satisfied that we have indeed got the right loved one, should you accept any messages.

3. Be patient. Your Medium is working hard to make good connections and while the Medium and your loved one are learning to work with each other, information can appear scattered or unrelated. What may sound like a series of unrelated items usually become connected later in the reading.

4. There is such a thing as ‘Psychic Amnesia’. This is when you, as the client, sit in front of a Medium or Psychic and “forget” what you want to ask. Write your questions down before you attend your reading. Sometimes you will given information that you can’t place and will be tempted to say “no, that’s not right”. Later however, once you leave, you may find the information is right, you just didn’t make the connection before. Set your intentions before your reading and be open minded. You will have a much better experience.

5. Mediums receive information in different ways. Energetically, it can be challenging to match the Mediums vibrational level with that of the person in Spirit. While all attempts are made with pure intent, guarantees can’t be made that you will connect with a “specific” passed loved one. Sometimes the loved ones you want to speak with will be pushed aside by a stronger relative. This pushy Soul barges their way forward giving all sorts of information and won’t let others come through until acknowledged. So if uncle Bruce shows up and you really want your dad, let Uncle Bruce know he is being heard and he will eventually step back and hopefully let dad come through.

6. Sometimes two Spirit will come connected. It’s a bit like piggy backing, where one Spirit will jump on the back of another, thus using the piggy’s energy to come through. A relative or friend with stronger or more stable energy can assist a recently passed loved one to communicate. Both will give information at the same time but only some of this information will be related to your specific passed loved one. Be kind to your Medium as she establishes connections and open to the possibility that who ever comes through usually have fabulous messages to share.  I like to think you get the connection you need most, not necessarily the one you want the most.

7. Not all Psychic Mediums can link with all Spirit. Think of it like an AM radio frequency where there is lots of static and a very small band width of station where communication is clear. It takes a fair bit of concentration to find and maintain this connection, with both your passed loved one and the Medium working together to bring messages.

8. And speaking of which… If Grandad Jones was not a very good communicator in life, he won’t magically turn into Wordsworth once in Spirit. I’ve been grunted at, shrugged at and had cross fingers waved in my face. Although there might be some ‘special’ word or signal you both agreed on to use to validate life beyond death, doesn’t mean the Medium will be able to get it right 100% of the time. They are human after all!

So go to a reading with an open mind…and lots of questions.

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